2017.08.11 TEXAS A&M University (공학박사)
2009.02.26 서울대학교 (공학석사)
2007.02.23 인하대학교 (공학사)
2018.09 ~ 2019.08 조선대학교 (조교수)
2017.08 ~ 2018.08 베일러의과대학교 (박사후연구원)
2009.02 ~ 2011.03 삼성전자 선임연구원 (선임연구원)
REDalign: accurate RNA structural alignment using residual encoder-decoder network, BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 제25권(집) , 제1호 , 2024.11.05
BCG Signal Quality Assessment Based on Time-Series Imaging Methods, SENSORS , 제23권(집) , 제23호 , 2023.12.01
LSTM4piRNA: Efficient piRNA Detection in Large-Scale Genome Databases Using a Deep Learning-Based LSTM Network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES , 제24권(집) , 제21호 , 2023.10.27
GRACE: Graph autoencoder based single-cell clustering through ensemble similarity learning, PLoS One , 제18권(집) , 제4호 , 2023.04.14
Preclinical Study of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using a 3-Dimensional Manufacturing Setting for Enhancing Spinal Fusion , Stem Cells Translational Medicine , 제11권(집) , 제10호 , PP.1072~1088 , 2022.10.21
F-Value Time-Frequency Analysis:Between-Within Variance Analysis, Frontiers in Neuroscience , 제15권(집) , 2021.12.09
Accurate Single-Cell Clustering through Ensemble Similarity Learning, Genes , 제12권(집) , 제11호 , 2021.11.01
ClusterM: A scalable algorithm for computational prediction of conserved protein complexes across multiple protein interaction networks, BMC GENOMICS , 제21권(집) , 2020.11.18
Effective single-cell clustering through ensemble feature selection and similarity measurements, COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY , 제87권(집) , 2020.08.01
PRIME: a probabilistic imputation method to reduce dropout effects in single cell RNA sequencing, BIOINFORMATICS , 제36권(집) , 제13호 , PP.4021~4029 , 2020.07.01
NAPAbench 2: A network synthesis algorithm for generating realistic protein-protein interaction (PPI) network families, PLoS One , 제15권(집) , 제1호 , 2020.01.27
TOPAS: network-based structural alignment of RNA sequences, BIOINFORMATICS , 제35권(집) , 제17호 , PP.2941~2948 , 2019.09.01
Examining De Novo Transcriptome Assemblies via a Quality Assessment Pipeline, IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics , 제15권(집) , 제2호 , PP.494~505 , 2018.03.01
CUFID-query: random walk based network querying through network flow estimation, BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 제18권(집) , 2017.12.28
SEQUOIA: Significance enhanced network querying through context-sensitive random walk and minimization of network conductance, BMC Systems Biology , 제11권(집) , 2017.03.14
Effective comparative analysis of protein-protein interaction networks by measuring the steady-state network flow using a Markov model, BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 제17권(집) , 2016.10.06
Effective estimation of node-to-node correspondence between different graphs, IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS , 제25권(집) , 제6호 , PP.661~665 , 2015.06.01
Accurate multiple network alignment through context-sensitive random walk, BMC Systems Biology , 제9권(집) , 2015.01.21