2014.08.08 Purdue University - West Lafayette (공학박사)
2009.01.30 한국과학기술원 (공학석사)
2007.02.21 서강대학교 (공학사)
2016.03 ~ 2018.02 한국원자력연구원 (선임연구원)
2015.01 ~ 2016.02 현대자동차 (책임연구원)
Electromagnetic-thermal-mechanical coupling analysis of bent rotor straightening via electromagnetic induction heating, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering , 제11권(집) , 제6호 , PP.283~299 , 2024.12.17
Asymmetric Design Sensitivity and Isogeometric Shape Optimization Subject to Deformation-Dependent Loads, Symmetry-Basel , 제13권(집) , 제12호 , PP.2373~ , 2021.12.09
A Phase-Field Study of Microstructure Evolution in Tungsten Polycrystalline under He/D Irradiation, Materials , 제14권(집) , 제23호 , PP.7433~ , 2021.12.03
A phase field modeling based study of microstructure evolution and its influence on thermal conductivity in polycrystalline tungsten under irradiation, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE , 제150권(집) , PP.169~179 , 2018.07.01
An investigation into the influence of grain boundary misorientation on the tensile strength of SiC bicrystals, MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES , 제23권(집) , 제6호 , PP.494~502 , 2016.01.01
An investigation into plastic deformation of irradiated tungsten microstructure at elevated temperatures using the Anand's viscoplastic model, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 제74권(집) , PP.127~140 , 2015.11.01
An ab-initio analysis of the influence of knock-on atom induced damage on the peak tensile strength of 3C-SiC grain boundaries, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS , 제24권(집) , 제3호 , PP.446~467 , 2015.04.01
An ab-initio investigation of the effect of graphene on the strength-electron density correlation in SiC grain boundaries, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE , 제92권(집) , PP.422~430 , 2014.09.01
An ab initio study of the structure–strength correlation in impact damaged SiC grain boundaries, COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE , 제82권(집) , PP.331~336 , 2014.02.01
An ab initio study of the peak tensile strength of tungsten with an account of helium point defects, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 제48권(집) , PP.54~71 , 2013.09.01
Finite Element Analysis of Welding Processes by Way of Hypoelasticity-Based Formulation, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 제133권(집) , 제2호 , PP.21003~21003 , 2011.04.01